The TimberXP European tour continued with a visit to HASSLACHER NORICA TIMBER, in Hermagor, Austria. It was a pleasure to meet Philipp Neu who kindly showed us around the facilities, which were extensive to say the least!
This facility produces straight and curved glulam at a seriously impressive scale. Beam lengths are basically limited by logistics only (up to 42.0m) thanks to their continuous finger-jointing process, section depths up to 3.0m (no problem!), section widths up to 1.2m achieved with their mega block-gluing press. They offer curved sections ranging from a light pre-cambering to a tight bend radius where high curvature is required.
The fun didn’t stop at the glulam presses, we saw the full range of value-add including CNC processing, pre-fixing of connectors and finish application.
You can always reach out to friend of TimberXP, Tyson Infanti of HESS TIMBER for enquiries in Australia!