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TimberXP stands at the forefront of leveraging computational design

TimberXP stands at the forefront of leveraging computational design.

By leveraging Computational Design in structural engineering, we can efficiently bridge the gap between form-finding and LOD400 model generation; leading to sustainable, innovative, and cost-efficient structures.

Hard to believe but it can even optimize structural components for efficient manufacturing and assembly.

By considering manufacturing constraints and processes during the design phase, computational tools can generate components that are easier to produce, assemble, and install. This streamlines construction workflows and reduces overall project timelines.

TimberXP stands at the forefront of leveraging computational design approaches, to address complex structural challenges and deliver cost-efficient and sustainable solutions.

For this concept design, we iteratively analysed multiple structural configurations by measuring numbers of pieces and cross sections versus a given key indicator; defined as the long-term vertical deflection.

In this case, we entirely built the algorithm from scratch, but we may easily refer to third parts’ ones to start from in generating what can dialog straight with our FEA software and tools.

Whether you need help or simply keen to discuss feel free to reach out.

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